Map of Bamf - Taken Lands NE

New Map of Northern Taken Lands
North East Taken Lands of World of Bamf made by Inkarnate Map Maker Tool

First map to show the Taken Lands of Man

Major cities:

  • The Capital City of the Council Men the GreatWhite City is shown  in west.
  • Swordnest - Capital city of the Crowland is central in the map just North of the White river.
  • The House of the BearSkull is shown in the South West and their main city Bear's Maw.
  • The Mound - Capital City of the Republic of Rabex
  • Holy City of Ath

House of Crowlands

Dominating the Northern Takenlands is the highly respected and feared House of Crow.

Swordsnest (For more click here)

The Crowlands are so called do them being fiefdom of the House of Crow who are the primary governmental force in the land.  Rangers and nobility from the House Crow are common sights in all of the towns.  The Crow Rangers maintain order on the roads and borders however the lands in between are relatively lawless.  Brigands and occasional monsters are not uncommon.

Nearly the full crow lands are depicted in the map.  The Crow lands make up the area North of White River and south of the Gate of Ath.  To the east their territory extends to to the town of Rock Tower.  To the west it extends to the Frozen sea of Frigg.

The primary city of the Crowlands is its capital city known as Swordsnest. Just south of Swordsnest is a small but heavily populated island that is often considered part of the city called Bastard Island.  To the southeast of Swordnest is a small tower and village called Rangelen that most also consider part of Swordnest though they are separated by rivers.

To the west of Swordsnest is the town of HewTree.

 Town of Rocktower (Click here for more)

To its east are the towns of HillPuddle and to the far east the town of Rocktower.   Rocktower marks the border between the Crowlands and the Tal Plains Tribes.  What little trading that occurs between Tals and Men is done in Talquarter of Rocktower.

 To the north of Swordsnest is an abandoned mage tower called OngMagTo.  OngMagTo has a small village of academics, alchemists and scholars who are interested in Ath or the surrounding Dwarven, and Giant ruins that dot the landscape.  The dabblings of the OngMagTo residents are considered dangerous by the House of Crow, and there are often Crow Rangers passing through the area to keep an eye on things.  Crow Ranger rarely go farther North than the tower.

Beyond OngMatTo there is a settlement called Blue Star.  Blue Star is independent of the House of Crow and is run by sisterhood of warriors known as the sisters of Selene.  The Sisters and the house of Crow have good relations and often partner up to take out threats in the far North.

Town of Blue Star (Click here for more info)

Blue Fang Forrest

The Blue Fang Forrest is between the town of Rock Tower and the Republic of Rabex.  It is controlled by violent Green Tal tribes including the Blue Fangs.

Far North
Holy City of Ath

Farthest to the North amongst the wastelands of Ice and Snow is the Holy City of Ath.  Ath is a city created by Ice Giants and houses a union of mystical creatures and individuals.  Ath has Wizards, Elves, LaVeesh, Tal Shamans and many of the Ice Giants themselves.

Sleeping Field

Some of the remaining ice giants live scattered about the North.  There is a group of them live in a large plateau called the Sleeping Field so called due to the 27 sleeping Ice Giants that lay there.  They are said to not have moved in a millennia but still have their eyes eerily open.

There is a mountain pass that connects Ath to the southern lands.  On the pass to Ath is a small temple and village devoted to the Sword Goddess Selene.  The shield maidens that dwell here are known as the Sisters of Selene.  The Sisters closely monitor Ath for any signs of trouble and maintain strong relations with the Royal Crows to their south.  The Shield Maidens also guard the Gate of Orin.  The Orin is an underground pass that goes to Ath.  The Orin has become infested with foul UnderMen and so the Shield Maiden's ensure that no one opens its gate from outside or in.

The Orin (Click here for more)

Males older than 16 are not permitted into the Temple of Selene but the sisters are not celibate.  Many of their numbers are descendants from previous sisters.  There is an unwritten tradition of the Sisters bedding Rangers in the Taverns near OngMagTo.  The sisters jokingly refer to this as OngMagging.

In the upper reaches of the mountain near the pass to Ath is a lake high in the mountains.  This lake is called High Pool by men.  It is considered to be a sacred place by the Tal, Giants, Dwarves and the Sisters of Selene.

Republic of Rabex
The Most Glorious Republic of Rabex is depicted on the eastern portion of the map.  These cities are the great Western Cities of the Republic.  There is very little travel between the Republic and the Crowlands as the two are separated by the Blue Fang Forest.  While the forest is not large the Blue Fang Tribe violently control their forest and permit none to trespass.  The Republic trades primarily through the Sea of Rahn with BearSkulls and FoxSmile houses.

Using Earth magic the Rabex have created great cities they call mounds by bringing up and shaping the ground in spectacular fashion.  The Mounds go nearly as high as human towers but also deep into the Earth where thousands of Rabex live.

Depicted Settlements
The Mound - Also called the Great Mound is largest and most powerful political city in the Republic.  Outsiders are allowed into this city provided they follow the rule of 5.  The city is full of wonders of art, alchemy and magic.  The Library of Juriah is often considered to be the oldest library on Bamf.  The Mound also houses the Wonder Wave a huge military force said to be unequaled in size on all of Bamf.

Sere Soo - Is a holy city said to house the first mound of Rabex where they believe they were created a millennia ago.  All outsiders are forbidden from entering this place.  The city is guarded by the fierce SpearFoot Guard widely considered to be the most elite fighing force in the lands of Rabex.

HalfWater - This mound rests on the shores of the Sea of Rahm and partially inside Blue Fang Forest.  The Blue Fang tolerate the mound but diligently patrol its border for any Rabex who dares to enter their wood.

SeaFoot - This mound rests on an island in the Sea of Rahm.  It houses many sea traders, fishermen.  Pirates and smugglers are also common in SeaFoot.  Men are a common sight in Seafoot and rule of 5 is largely ignored with many human ships taking up on its shores.  A great deal of trading between the Takenlands and the Republic of Rabex takes place on Seafoot.
The city also houses a community of Rabmen a hybrid race of Human and Rabex.  The race is largely reviled in both the Taken lands and the Republic but finds peaceful refuge and purpose on the island.

Shrinn - The Southern mound of Shrinn borders the southern desert and the republic lands to its North.  It also sits on the Rahm Sea and the Rahm Forest.  Shrinn is thus a border town where a the desert Rabex of South meet peacefully with the republic.  While trading with the Takenlands does occure it usually does not happen directly.  Much like the desert Rabbex the Shrinn residents greatly look down on humans.  The city maintains both a large militia and navy.

Ket - Ket is a small mound on an island in the Rahm sea.  While this mound does have a dock it does does not trade.  It primarily serves as a military outpost that watches the Taken Lands for any preparations for invasion by Humans.  There are rumors of Rabex kidnapping humans and taking them to Ket to be tortured.  The Rabex deny these rumors but Ket remains a thorn in any discussions between the Taken Lands and the Republic.


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