Blue Star - Town of Bamf

Welcome to Blue Star

In the far North of the Takenlands is a pass that goes to Ath.  Sitting along the path is a small settlement known as Blue Star.  The town is dominated by the monastery and temple of a group called the Sisters of Selene.  The temple admits no men over the age of 13 however, all sexes are allowed into the town of Blue Star itself.  While there are men in the town the towns government and officials are mostly female.

Northern Crowlands.  - Blue Star sits on the Northern border of the Crowlands beyond witch is primarily frozen wilderness and the mysterious city of Ath.

The town itself has a magistrate that is voted on by townspeople to serve a 2 year term.  Generally, the magistrate is a female.  Currently the title is held by Helga Hammerthorn who owns the Hammerthorn Inn.

Blue Star is walled, as is the temple.  The primary defense of the settlement is the sisters themselves who are some of the notorious, brutal warriors in the world.

Trade Goods:

  • Healing - The temple of Selene is known as place of healing and the sisters are well known healers.  For a modest price the sisters will attempt to heal almost any condition.
  • Magical artifacts - The town's location on the route to Ath make it home to warehouses for magical goods and books from wizards down to the civilized world.  One of the primary trade houses of magical artifacts is Igs Magical Wonders of Ath which ships items directly to  OngMagTo, Swordsnest and the White City.
  • Mercenaries - The sisters and their sons hire themselves out for a good cause and make money in this fashion.  They also act as guides to northern areas.
  • Hunting - Many of the sisters hunt and the town, trades left over meat and skins
  • Ranching - various mountain clans sell meat and dairy products in BlueStar
  • Mining - Some minerals and ore make their way from the Northern Mountains and civilization through Blue Star.

City Map:

A) Temple of Selene
B) Igs Magical Wonders of Ath
C) The Sons of Selene Dormitories
D) HammerThorn Inn

Aspects of The City:
Small town dominated by the Massive temple of Selene.  The Temple grounds include offices, religious areas, tombs, training grounds, gardens, healing pools, and even a dungeon for those unfortunate enough to see it.  Men older than 13 are not allowed on Temple grounds and will be violently expelled from its premises.
Town has one Inn that is quaint and well run called HammerThorn.  The Inn often has various Wizards, Historians or Explorers passing through on their way to the mysterious city of Ath.
Many young men in the city live in the Sons of Selene Dormitories.  These are men who are children of various sisters but are now too old to live on temple grounds.  They range in age from 13 to 18 at which point they are forced out of the dormitory as well.  Most are practicing various trades crafts.


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