Ish BlackStaff - Hero of Bamf

Ish is a Rabex scholar studying ancient ruins of Dakoshka Tal near OngMagTo.

Name: Ish Blackstaff

Race: Rabex

Class: Wild Shaper

Occupation:  Master Sorceress of The Immortal Word of Wild Places and Creatures

Faction:  Purest Path  - Faction of Humans/ Rabex attempting to protect the world from supernatural forces.  Among their goals is to stop the rise of the Primordials, and block influence to the world from the Tenjini.

Mother: BrenFra Brownears

Father:  Daglan Dirhead

Ish was born into very humble origins in the lowest cast of the great mound.  Most of her rank are destined for low jobs as servants, day laborers or even arrow fodder for training of soldiers.  However, Ish was identified early as having magical talents, which was rare among Rabex.  She was elevated and brought into the higher schools of the Great Mounds Library.  Her family is still very poor and depends upon Ish to send them money to survive.

Being one of the best warlocks in their ranks Ish was sent North into the Takenlands to study with human wizards on understanding bizarre ruins that could lead to the uncovering the origins of the Rabex.

Starting Area:  OngMagTo

Click here to learn more about OngMagTo

  • Ish is a Wild Shaper allowing her to use her power to control plants, and animals.  She can also alter the nature of things making bears faster, or birds bigger.  Any animal or plant in her range can become dangerous.  Wild Shapers are notorious the wood of archers arrows into poisonous vipers.
  • Ish is a tough nosed Rabex who grew up in one of the poorest areas of the Great Mound.  She is used to violence both physical and magical.  
  • Ish is practical for a Rabex which allows her to work well with humans.  Other Rabex can get too caught up in details and lose sight of the main point whcih frustrates humans.  Her ability to think like human is why she was selected for missions in the Taken Lands. 
  • Contacts, Safe Houses - Has access to contacts of the Purest Path that are in both Human and Rabex lands
  • Rabex Republic Contacts - There are less than a thousand Rabex sorcerers making Ish extremely rare.  Sorceresses are prized by the political parties of the Rabex Republic giving her access to the highest government contacts.
  • Speed/Reflexes - As a Rabex, Ish is lighting fast with very strong reflexes. 
  • Nightvision - As a Rabex, Ish can see in the dark in almost total darkness

  • Headstrong - Ish has survived a great deal but can often rush into dangerous situations and get in overhead.
  • Distrustful - While many Rabex are naive and easily taken advantage of, Ish is the opposite and is very slow to trust others.  Which she can work on a team, she is constantly sizing people up for betrayal.
  • Strength - Rabex are not very strong and Ish is no exception
  • Low Birth - There are those in the lands of Rabex that continue to look down Ish due to her low birth despite her rare talents in sorcery


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