Cal HaveSword - Heroes of Bamf

Cal HaveSword is the main character of the HaweSword Saga set in the world of Bamf.

Name: Cal HaveSword

Race: Human

Class: Ranger / Mystery

Occupation:  Sellsword

Mother: EnShira Howling Death

Father:  Mystery

Cal HaveSword was raised by the female warriors of the Temple of Selene.  His mother was EnShira  Howling Death one of the most feared Spell Swords in the world.  Cal was raised in the temple of a Selene and heavily trained in the ways of the sword.  He competed heavily in fencing in the Crowlands earning recognition in numerous fighting clubs.  Cal dreamed of eventually becoming a Crow Ranger but for mysterious reasons his petition to join the Rangers was denied.   His mother refused to press the issue with the house of Crow even though Cal believed she had the clout to help his cause.  Angry and feeling that he was the victim of a bizarre conspiracy he left the far North for the town of Rocktower where he hoped to earn a living as a sellsword.  He gave himself the surname HaveSword to start off his career and begin his own path.

Cal set up shop at a table at Bri's Tavern where he began meeting clients and his adventures in the world of Bamf began.

Starting Area:  Town of Rock Tower

 Town of Rocktower (Click here for more)


  • Swordsman - While Cal was denied entrance into the Rangers he really is one of the best swordsman in the world.  His own mother is one of the most feared warriors in the world of Bamf and she trained her son from a young age.  
  • Cal maintains numerous contacts within both the Rangers, the Sisters of Selene and various mercenary groups.
  • Ranger Survival Skills - Cal is well trained in tracking, hunting, and surviving in the wilderness.  He is capable of some minor nature skills.
  • Honorable - Cal wants to do the right thing, even if it costs him.  He is able to make friends with those with similar values.  He believes the strong should defend the weak.


  • Hot tempered - Cal's better sense is sometime short circuited by his temper.  He can be easily offended and slow to forgive.
  • Rash - Cal does not always think through a plan before rushing in.
  • Magic- Cal has difficulty in using the simple Ranger nature spells..  While he is strong with a sword his lack of magical abilities can put him on the defensive against a true Spellsword.
  • Understanding Non Warrior Women - Cal was raised  around mostly women but they were all warrior women, he has little experience with non warrior women.  Traditional gentlemanly actions do not come naturally to him.  In the monastary he grew up in such actions would have been considered offensive by the Sisters.   Even though Cal does respect women he can come off as a self centered rogue.

Owl Sigil

At one point in time Cal is given the Sigil of the Owl.  Once Cal gains the sigil he gains a variety of powers.

  • Access to Hearth of Sven
  • Health regeneration
  • Soul insight
  • Night vision
  • Owl familiar


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