Killian the Wanderer - Hero of Bamf

Killian the Wanderer - Hero of Bamf

Race - Rabex

Class - Wizard

Title - The Wanderer, Hand of Visca

Home - None  Killian has been a nomadic wanderer for centuries

Killian is a nomadic wizard who is thought to be ancient.  He wanderers through all lands Bamf totally uncaring of dangers that lie there in.  While Killian is often forgetfull he does manage to survive by randomly remember powerful incantations.  Killian has come to be revered as a god like entity in some parts of Bamf while others view his actions with suspicion.

His wanderings often take him to a place in need, making many believe he is the vessel or instrument of a higher force.

Powers and Skills-
Killian has access to high level magic spells

Killian does not age


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