What is Bamf?

Bamf is a world created for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for a D&D group in Denver Colorado.  The world continues to be added to by players who want to have adventures in the Taken Lands.

Bamf is a fantasy world full of  amazing adventure, wild creatures and magic.  While Bamf is now dominated by humans that was not always case.  Humans themselves are not natural to the world, they were brought to the world as slave soldiers by an inter-planar race called the Tenjini a millennia ago.  Eventually, humans overthrew their masters and created their own empire.  The natural peoples of Bamf though have never stopped resenting humans for their conquest of their world.  Welcome to Bamf, Welcome to the Age of Man!

1,000 years ago, gates of light began appearing all across the world.  Marching out in great numbers came legions of armored men who violently began taking over parts of the world.  The legions were led by Tenjini a race of that appeared to many as simply a light.  Bamf was being rules by the 3 great civilized races of the Elves, Tals and Rabex.  The elves saw the vast numbers and bizarre magics of newcomers and decided to wait.  They hid in their secretive homes and when confronted made a diplomatic peace with the Tenjini.  The Tals and Rabex fought the newcomers in a devastating and longlasting war.  While they won many battles more legions of men would appear to replenish the ranks of those they slew and they were constantly pushed back and out of their ancestral lands.  The Rabex released a massive army on the newcomers.  The army was built up of Rabex from all of the cities and stretched as far as the eye could see.  It was called the wonder wave and the Rabex believed no one could stand up to its might.  The Wonder Wave had never met the sorcery of the Tenjini however.  In one fell swoop the Wonder Wave was destroyed by a massive magical storm the like of no one on Bamf had seen.  The storm drew forth energy from the stars and left scars in the world that still have not healed a milenia later.  The Wonder Wave destroyed and fearing for their cities the Rabex sued for peace.

The Tals fought on, but now alone in the struggle they were forced into a constant defensive position, tribe by tribe they began to sign peace treaties.  The last of the Tal tribes stubbornly refused peace with the invaders and instead turned to dark magics.  They formed a pact with ancient primordial power called Orcanis that gave them enhanced strength.  The pact cursed these tribes with Green skin and violent demeanor and from that point on they were known as Orcs.  Though strong the Orcs had trouble uniting themselves and found themselves in a constant state of war with themselves and others.  Men broke them into tribes and slew them by thousands and eventually forced them into the wilderness.

20 years after setting foot on the world the Tenjini and their human legions had now gained control nearly the entire the world.  This began the Tenjini Empire a rule that was feared and loathed by all the natural inhabitants of Bamf. 100s of years of subjugation by the Tenjini was enough for the Elves who began to see weaknesses in the Tenjini overlords.  The Elves began befriending humans and instructing them.  A pact between Elves and Humans led to the Coup of Red Door where thousands of Tenjini were slain overnight.  The Elves helped men in two different ways, first they found a way to temporarily block the source of the Tenjini mystical powers, and 2nd they gave men 20 magic swords called the Silivani Blades that could allow humans to harness the primordial powers of Bamf.  Previously, both humans and Tenjini could not harness its primordial energies.  The primordial energies could only be used by those races natural to the world of Bamf.  However the Silivani Blades allowed for this use.  They could only harness magical energies from the stars.  The combination of Primordial and Star Magic made the warriors who held the Silivani Blades the most powerful magic users on the planet.  With the help of the Elves the humans rebelled.  They brought down their new blades down cold and cruel on their unsuspecting masters.  Some Tenjini managed to escape through their gates but have never been heard from again.

The humans for the first time in their existence were now free, however the empire they had been enforcers of quickly began to unravel.  The Tals, Elves, and Rabex all asked for their indepedence from the empire and rebelled.  The remnants of the empire began to unravel quickly as each of the races fought for their home territories.  Humans though had established themselves with cities of their own in what they came to call the Takenlands.  A series of wars between the peoples established rough boundaries between the Takenlands and those of the rest of Bamf.

While not at all liked by the other races of Bamf, the humans remain the powerful group on the planet.  The Silivani blades are held by noble warriors and are feared throughout the world.  All Bamf respect their alien presence and know they now live in the Age of Men.  In the shadows though lurk threats to their power and many doubt the Age of Men will last long.


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